Clara got several spoons for her birthday, so the day after her birthday, I decided to let her use it on my favorite breakfast: soaked oatmeal loaded with raisins, cranberries, raw milk, coconut oil, and cinnamon.
She did so well. I was proud of her for trying so hard. She knew what it was for and tried to make it work.
In the end, she decided that the easiest way was to hand the spoon to Mama. : ) I was so proud of her.
Titus is enjoying the process of Clara learning to eat on her own too. : )
i don't think we bothered giving alani a utensil at all til she was like 15 months old, and then it was a FORK!!! my mother in law was completely freaked out, but seriously. . stabbing is WAY easier than scooping and KEEPING the spoon the right way, somehow kids always seem to turn the spoon upside down on the way to the mouth. . .ps, i too got a lot more swagbucks/search ratio after suggesting it to a few friends, who i'm guessing gave my account as their referral. . .thanks for the tips! i'll email, this is getting too long.