Tuesday, November 09, 2010


In our travel experience, along with seeing new sites and having adventures, we got to stay in hotels, use elevators, use unfamiliar car, cribs, and car seat.  Clara was great rolling with the experience.  She slept in the car, cribs, and stroller, learned how to push the right buttons on an elevator, and explored each new place with interest and enthusiasm.  It was a lot more fun having her along.

Here Clara is taking her Daddy’s place just minutes after he got up to do something else.

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“Okay, let’s go!  What shoe?  I don’t need a shoe!”


This photo makes me think of little orphan babies.  :(  So glad she’s ours!


“Daddy!  Daddy, Daddy!” Of course, this was before she knew the difference in our names.  She could have easily been saying, “Mama!” But we knew what she meant.


Because we couldn’t get the seat snug enough rear facing (as we have it at home) Clara got to be forward facing for the first time in her life!  Wheee!

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Clara is not the biggest fan of strollers, but she did well on this trip.  We sure did use the sunscreen we bought on the first day of vacation!  Also hats!  Also, I loved putting her in little short sleeved tops and dresses and not having to cover them up with a sweater. :)  We all got our vitamin D on this trip!

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Waiting for the elevator!


Also, she was in disposable diapers for the trip, so I dressed her in jeans once for fun.  Uh, they came to a bad end.  This is just a few hours before she gagged on something, and completely threw up all over herself and the (borrowed) car seat.  We had no idea where we were, we were meeting someone to leave on a plane in a little over an hour, and we were looking everywhere for a Whole Foods store to visit before we flew out!


Well, we pulled into a parking lot, stripped the baby, put the clothes in a Ziplock bag in an outer pocket of my suitcase, cleaned up the baby, and then began baby wiping the car seat with all our might!


It cleaned up pretty well, but we put some paper down for her to sit on and apologized to the car seat owners later.  We still did find the Whole Foods!


Clara thought this was pretty fun. 


Clara’s a good traveler! 

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