Friday, February 10, 2023

Leaving Tirana

 I really, really, really hate moving. Everything has to go in a box or bag. Routines are tossed; people are stressed. Everything becomes chaotic and messy. My brain becomes a cage of frantic squirrels while my body goes into slow motion in FREEZE mode. A giant timer ticks over our head for when we have to be gone, and it is all too much.

Add to this we decided to buy one way tickets to Germany in hopes of buying a car which we will either drive through Montenegro or ferry from Italy. We are searching online for possible cars, researching international taxes and laws. Just the logistics of car shopping... but in another country and language... I don't feel grown up enough to tackle this. Surely it's easier to fly to Alaska and drive our car to New York and ship it. 

Plus, we don't have an agreement on our final home. We have another MONTH of temporary housing when we get to Berat. I will be so happy to settle in our home and hang pictures and buy a plant or two.

Prayers are appreciated: for our sanity and stress levels, for smooth transitions, for wisdom, for the right car to be really obvious, for smooth negotiations with our future landlord, for the work God has prepared for us in Berat, for communication skills and language study, for a smooth residency permit process. God has got us. We see it. We remind ourselves of it. We know He's got plans for us. But it helps to know others are talking to God about us. 

(Not our photo, but somewhat similar! )

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